My First Trimester
The best thing about your first trimester is that it is definitely the fastest. I was so caught up in the whirl wind of actually having a baby that I felt like I blinked and it was over. Right after we found out we were expecting we took a trip to Seattle.
Honestly, it was a great trip but I was a walking zombie. The fatigue I had was unreal. I didn’t know it was possible to be that freaking tired. I could have fell asleep standing up. Of all the symptoms you can experience, I was lucky this was my main one. I had to cut my caffeine intake and I was growing a human. What could be more exhausting?
Around week 10, we had our first ultrasound from our doctor. The baby was already moving around and active. I couldn’t believe at ten weeks the baby could move around like that and scratch its little face. I fell in love immediately and I knew there was nothing I wouldn’t do to keep this blessing safe and healthy. It was also around this time I began to feel nauseous and everything smelled bad.
As a very big wine drinker I couldn’t imagine giving up wine in those first couple of weeks. I obviously quit the second I found out I was pregnant; but I thought it would at least be hard. Wrong! The smell of any alcohol was so nauseating I couldn’t even smell it on Ryan!! I haven’t missed it a single day and I can say with confidence I would throw up if it got in my mouth. I’m obviously hoping that goes away when he gets here!!!
I didn’t have morning sickness. Thank you Jesus. The only time I ever threw up was when I decided to eat a ton of garlic pasta. They warn pregnant ladies to stay away from garlic for this reason, but of course I had to try to make sure! Terrible, terrible mistake and I’ve stayed away ever since. Every woman experiences different aversions/cravings and I’ve been lucky to keep eating my main favorites.
Around 12 weeks, I was feeling more and more like my self. I wasn’t sleeping 15 hours a day, I could smell cologne again, and my tummy started to grow so I really felt like a mom! I feel like pregnancy is just 9 months of worrying about the unknown. You worry when you find out, you worry when they tell you all of the things you can’t do, you worry about being a good mom. The best advice I can offer is enjoy every moment. Take your partner with you to all of your ultrasounds. The first couple of weeks when you are nauseous, keep your stomach full at all times! It’s when your stomach is empty you feel the worst. Ginger ale is a life saver. I would drink one every morning. Take your pre-natal vitamin at night with a small snack. They truly help you. STOP WORRYING!!! It does nothing in the end!
I remember after my first trimester was over I told Ryan we can never have any more kids. I was so lucky that I coasted through mine and I just know next time I won’t be lucky haha. Listen to your doctor and ask him/her any questions. There’s no question too small.
All my love,